Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Fish Corn Crisps

This crispy, tasty and a medium spicy appetizer will surely become a kids delight and also your favourite dish. I have choosen Tilapia fish variety as it is very healthy, best for all ages and also perfect for frying. Tilapia farm raised fillets (fresh/frozen) are available in any american grocery store. In India, you can use murrel or korameen fish.

Tilapia (fresh farm raised) - 1/2 pound
Ginger Garlic paste - 1 Tspoon
Chilly powder - 1 Tspoon
Oil - 1.5 cup (rice cooker standard cup)
Salt - 1 Tspoon
Turmeric - 1 Tspoon
Lemon juice - 3 drops
Corn meal - 2 Tspoons
Pepper powder - 1 Tspoon

  • Wash the tilapia fillets and cut them in to medium sized cubes as shown above. Now to the fillet cubes, add salt, ginger garlic paste, turmeric, chilly powder and few drops of lemon. Allow the fish cubes to marinate for atleast 30 minutes before frying. Keep them in refridgerator if you want to fry them later.
  • Just before frying, sprinkle little amount of corn meal on the marinated pieces and mix them gently.
    Note: Corn meal adds a crispy taste and texture to the fish cubes. If you have no corn meal, add a spoon of corn flour and a spoon of bread crumbs.
  • Now take a medium sized fry pan and add oil until it is half filled and heat on a low flame. Once oil gets heated, fry the fish cubes for about 3-4 minutes. To make sure fish cubes are fried properly, flip around gently and fry them for couple of more minutes.
  • When the cubes start turning light reddish brown, take them off the oil and spread them on a plate covered with 2 sheets of tissue papers. Once the excess oil is absorbed, transfer them in to a serving bowl.
  • Sprinkle pepper powder, garnish with onions and serve hot!
    My Mom's Health Tip: Always add little pepper powder to all non-veg fries for easy digestion.
  • Yummy fish corn crisps are ready! You can have them just as an appetizer or can be had with rice accompanied by Mangalore fish curry (already posted) or fish pulusu or any lentil.


  1. Welcome to the foodie blog roll. That looks like a recipe my hubby would enjoy, he likes fish.

  2. Thanks...give it a try and let me know!

  3. hey Vineela, thanks for visiting me and tx for ur comment yaa! I wud have loved to share the pics of kaja foldings but i made these at 11.30 in the night just to fulfill my cravings....so i had no patience seriously:))
    I'm out of blogging for a while now bcoz of my busy schedule but hope to catch up soon. Once again tx for visiting me!!
    And btw those fish corn crisps r yumm!!!


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